Finding A Local Appraiser

Our Location

Our office is located just outside of Austin, Texas and we do not maintain a retail store. To evaluate jewelry properly it must be examined in person by shipping to us.

Your Local Choice

We apologize for any inconvenience but we are unable to make recommendations for appraisers in your area.

Online Searches & Phone Books

If you are more comfortable finding an appraiser in your area, the best solution is to search online for those close to you. Suggestions are to search for "Appraiser" who specialize in jewelry, or under "Jewelers" or "Jewelry" often under the subheading of appraiser and include your city name.

Online Resources

American Society of Appraisers

International Society of Appraiser

American Gem Society

Antiques Roadshow

Qualifications to Seek Out

Ideally, you should look for a certified appraiser. Those in smaller towns may need to look in the nearest larger metropolitan area. Don't be afraid to ask about an appraiser's experience with antique jewelry. Some know a great deal, many others only specialize in modern jewelry and know very little.