
What Is Mille Grain Or Millegrain In Jewelry?

A technique was developed in the late 19th century as a textural effect to metal work on the edges or bezels of jewelry. That technique is referred to as millegrain (or mille grain or even milegrain). From the French word mille for a thousand, and from grain as the same meaning in English, it refers to what appears to be thousands of tiny beads upon a metal precipice or edge. Fine platinum settings and in particular diamond rings, engagement rings and gemstone set rings, often employ this device. It is defined as a technique where a knurling or a millegrain...

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The Vintage Engagement Ring – What Diamond Cut To Choose

When buying an estate jewelry, antique,  or even a vintage engagement ring, there are a few  options in antique diamonds. Many of us are not familiar with what those diamond really look like and their differences. First, a definition for a couple of terms used for diamond cuts. Facet This is one small planar surface out of many on a diamond. Many facets make up the entire diamond surface and how many facets there are, and in what arrangement make up different diamond cuts. When a diamond cutter cuts a raw diamond, it is also said they are faceting the diamond,...

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Clarity Of Vision: Diamond Buying Part 2

Clarity in a diamond, we have all heard about it, but what does that really mean when one looks at a diamond or diamond ring? What do I see in real life? How beautiful is a diamond with a certain clarity? Clarity is a value based upon inclusions. Inclusions are natural flaws in a diamond (or gemstone). Formed in the earth, most all gemstones have large, small or minute variations inside them. These irregularities are desirable and prove that the material is indeed natural and made by nature. However, some variations can affect a diamond’s beauty or brilliance. For a...

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Choosing An Engagement Ring – A Guide For Men

It is a vast world out there when it comes to choices for engagement rings. There are financial considerations as well as those of style and of course, all of the emotion that goes into the proposal and making the woman of your choice thrilled beyond words. Vintage Diamond Engagement Ring – All Diamonds & Platinum Below are a number of tips and suggestions for how to begin. Set your budget. Choose an ideal range, both high and low. Decide whether you can pay all at once or if you need financing options to make payments over time. Think too...

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