More from Becky Stone of Diamonds in the Library. The Three Graces' interview with her recently.
What do you think is the single most important thing you need to be a successful influencer/blogger?
I think the single most important thing you need to be a successful influencer/blogger is determination.
Jewelry blogging is fun and glamorous a lot of the time, but what you don’t see on Instagram are the nights I spend 10 hours trying to fix an HTML issue, the thousand photos I take to get the five good ones I need for one blog post, the days I spend comparing options before I tweak the design of my website.
Anyone can love jewelry, but maintaining a consistent, high quality online presence is hard. The main thing that sets me apart is that I refuse to stop, even when it’s time consuming and difficult and nobody seems to be reading what I’m writing. I didn’t come into this with any special knowledge or connections, I just never gave up.
When did your love of jewelry begin?
How could anyone not love jewelry? It’s the coolest thing there is. Jewelry is science and art and history all rolled into one, brimming with all the significance that generations of people are capable of imbuing into inanimate objects. It reflects our loves and our fears in tiny, sparkling talismans. It’s self-expression and armor and love and protection.
Who has shaped your career the most?
When I started writing about jewelry, everything I knew came from the internet. In the years since then, so many dealers, designers, collectors, gemologists, and other experts have opened their arms to me and share their knowledge with me. I unintentionally blogged my way into the learning opportunity of a lifetime, and I don’t think I’ll ever be tired of learning all about what the jewelry lovers of the world want to share with me.
Read about The Three Graces' in her fascinating blog!