Sometimes I look back and it seems only a few years have gone by. Then shifting my perspective, I discern that ages ago I was sitting in my cracker box apartment wondering where in the world to turn.
In summary, I shared my life with three hefty rescue dogs, had not much money, ok was virtually broke, had no job, and was in the wake of a failed relationship. To put a fine point on it, I was at an inky dark low. So much for swimming upstream.
Life was so bleak, that only something drastic and fanciful made sense. The polar opposite reach to counter my desperation. I decided to try what I really loved. Jewelry.
The internet had come along to the level that online shopping started to take hold. With a few pieces of jewelry, I began. They sold. A few more pieces of jewelry found happy owners. My goal, it was July of 2002, was to survive and feed the dogs through Christmas. If I could do that, I was off. It not, well, I didn’t consider that, it was too bleak to dwell upon.
Jump to today and I can hardly believe nearly 20 years have passed. A huge milestone that leaves me in awe and in a state of perpetual gratitude.
Was it all easy, was it all “going with the flow” downstream and to a life of ease? Umm, not exactly. From the outside, so many things look ideal and glamorous, and the grass is always greener.
Yes, The Three Graces has endured through thick and thin. Was it luck? Hard work? The right time, place? All these.
But the attribution all goes to our friends, clients, and visitors. Without you, our business would be a ground zero and I can’t imagine where I would have ended up.
Our customers say it all. Many of you have been with us since the beginning. Many of you for years, and some return every few years. Some have never purchased but visit daily. Do we care? Not in the least. The opposite. What a better compliment and testament to what we do than that, I cannot think.
Many engagements, weddings, treats to oneself, anniversaries, birthdays, and occasions later, numerous collections enlarged or begun, The Three Graces has endured.
It is also with the utmost thanks I send out to all the past and present employees, both in-house, and contractors, that helped and continue to aid us in our journey. Certainly, by myself, little would be as it is today.
My family and husband have forgiven never ending hours devoted to work rather than home life. Dedicating countless hours to make us viable and continue, my husband, is an integral part of the path. Whatever I ask or is needed, he does without fail or grumbling (at least not out loud) and with a good spirit.
Along that way, friendships have formed, and our sources for jewelry, information, and education are a lifeline. Every business is really about connections and interrelationships. It has been an enormous portion of my life and drive to do better. It helps me to be a better person and a more honest and understanding human being.
All my rescue animals along the way have been there unfailingly for hugs and unconditional love no matter my mood, the state of my dress, my elation, or my lows.
I am not skilled enough as a wordsmith to write thanks that will mean enough or translate with enough passion, soul, and heart. But it is there, for I remain ever thankful to so, so many. Here is to Year 20!